
los tres principales que hoy me arrancaron profundos suspiros en el pastel de carne conocido como metrobus:

3. el shuffle de la ipodia ii, al cual yo le oraba por algo prendido, algo prendido porfa porfa porfa, sumergida en la mer de corps y sofocándome lento, muy lento, y me lanza 9 crimes de damian rice. otra vez.

2. la señora que me barrenó el metatarso en una clara violación de la ley de la impenetrabilidad.

1. el imbécil que intenté voltear a ver porque sentí que me torteaban, pero fui impedida por treinta articulaciones yuxtapuestas, entre codos y rodillas. al final resultó que no era tanto el torteo, sino que el tipo me sacó el teléfono de la bolsa.

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is it full moon today? was it yesterday? why am I so friggin intense? I feel like an extremely large bunny is burrowing under my chest, bizarre as that might sound.

yesterday I was halfway through the season's ending of Grey's Anatomy and I started bawling my eyes out. then the episode turned to the extreme absurdity again and I promptly stopped, thank god. it's good to know I haven't reached those levels of pathethic yet.

but I'm not far off. this morning, the flock of seagulls sweeping over my head had to literally pick me up from bed, and that's why I don't ever give my heart to strangers, or tell secrets to my friends.

laughs haha

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and it goes without saying I guess, but just for the record:

I miss you so much.

random notes and questions from La Isla Bonita

* upon sunblock: you do need to apply on your butt, otherwise you end up with a pretty tan and a baboon's ass.

* upon harry potter (SPOILER YOU'RE WARNED): all good, all great, but why did the good ones have to die, and the twats survive? fred gave excellent laughs, while ron managed, in seven books, to be about as useful (and funny) as a hole in the yeyunum.

* upon death: they say ashes to ashes, dust to dust, they never talk about the amazing quantity of ground bone, that sinks right to the bottom of the ocean.

* upon stephen king: oh come right out and say it: how many ghost writers do you have? what other explanation is there for one book being good, then next three utter shite?

* upon vodka: even if it's for free, there's a point you want no more. then you order beer.

* upon grass: there is a reason I smoke it all the time. because then I have no horrible dreams, which dutily haunt me since we got here on sunday and I'm weedless cause I'm too sissy to bring it on the plane.

* upon a/c: the only way I can get a cold in the caribbean, cause they insist in keeping arctic temperatures when indoors.

* upon love: it hurts everyone, all the time; not just you and me, not just now.

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