
oh joy hardly contained!
she can be over-the-rainbow happy too...

and that, people, IS Daniel Craig playing Lord bleeding Asriel!!! life can be so grand! whee!

<< link removed cause it was a pain in the ass, but go here instead
and, for the sake of the geek (me), please answer the quiz, will it please you not?

ps wtf (what the fuck) happened to my daemon, who killed it?


oh baby
here comes the fear again
the end is near again
a monkey's built a house on your my back
and I can't won't get anyone to come in the sack
and here comes another panic attack
ph here we go again

de nuevo, está cabrón, la neta, todo es bien difícil, quiero luchar por ti pero no sé si es lo correcto, ¿me explico? gran parte del tiempo te siento tan, tan lejos....... lejos como en siberia, en alaska, en el remoto japón; en un país lejano, con comunicación esporádica y breve; pero días como hoy me hacen darme cuenta de cuánto te amo, cuánto no quiero dejar esto, cuánto no quiero que renunciemos a lo que tenemos, que lo que tenemos es real, sin importar lo razonable que sea simplemente olvidarlo y dejarlo ir.

ya vi que en mi intensidad yo lo que deseo es que tú quieras hacer algo al respecto, pero me doy cuenta que no lo harás (al menos no ahora, ni pronto), de nuevo es mi decisión, lo cual me caga porque odio que sea mi responsabilidad, más que nada porque sé que tiendo a tomar la decisión errónea, no tengo la menor ecuanimidad, me pongo intensa y me siento aislada y vacía y erosionada sin ti, un desierto sin emociones, excepto por la sensación de dolorosa soledad, ojalá pudiera pasar semanas y semanas sólo con la idea de nosotros en la cabeza, sin dudar, sin desear, ser zen y esperar tranquilamente a que todo fluya, pero simplemente no sé si puedo, creo que no, mi corazón y mi mente son dos animales salvajes que aunque intente no puedo controlar, y que les encanta hacer la guerra entre ellos; cuando mucho logro engañarlos, solaparlos por horas e incluso días seguidos cuando tengo suerte.

sin embargo, sé que en algún momento estallaré y cometeré alguna tontería, me largaré a la Indochina con tres dólares en el bolsillo, me iré de escudo humano o me lanzaré en amplia parábola al viaducto, en fin, quemaré en definitiva mis naves, porque ya no querré pensar, ni soñar, ni desear, ni esperar más. porque voy a preferir ponerle yo un punto final a todo, en vez de seguir aislando un presente muy real a costa de un futuro incierto, un futuro que no puedo vislumbrar siquiera, ya no digamos palpar o ponerle nombre, teléfono y dirección, esas cosas cotidianas que son tan tontas, pero que son lo que constituyen y forman una vida común.

lo que intento decirte es que yo realmente no necesito que estés aquí todo el tiempo, ese realmente no es el problema en este caso, pero ayúdame a encontrar la forma en que yo pueda estar tranquila, o un punto donde yo pueda encontrar un balance, una forma de estar bien,

o quizás no la haya,
pero tal vez sea terca durante aún algún tiempo.

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femina, insana

-- the other day I dreamed that my mother, brother, and I were waiting at a table for you and your lot, a family reunion, as it were, you showed up all happiness and smiles, oh la dee la, except you were with your wife, and carried a baby in your arms. 'I had a child, did you hear?' you said with that big smile, and I answered yes, I heard, except I heard you had a boy, and that you're holding is clearly a girl, all curls and bows and little dress. either way, I walked away from the table even though everyone called me back, since I clearly had nothing to do there.
the really whacko part is that throughout all this, we both had the same hairdo, and as usual it probably looked better on you.

** what drives me bugshit about you is that you really buy all that crap you tell me. in your heart of hearts, you really believe this is a tragic story about a true heart and an untrue bitch, instead of the incredibly tiresome story of the guy who won't commit and panicks into believing anything. even that he's still in love with his ex, who's a bitch everytime she points out they didn't really have a very good relationship at all.

## about you, sometimes I really wish things could be different, that I could love you so we could set out to find a rock to comfortably decompose on, grow lots of plants, build lots of crap, and possibly have maybe blonde, definetely insane, if not very tall children. but you can't command the heart they say, and the fact is that I don't love you and I never did. I tried enough to know for sure.

::: you're cruel to me and... I sort of like it. then hate myself for it.

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update: since I never seem to acknowledge good things, I wanted it to be on the record that the ipod, my own, my precious, works wonderfully this morning and all it wants to do is rock.

thanks siddharta and the power of visualization, everyone should try it.

now I'm off to see if I can visualize myself a little trip to europe...

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yesterday I came up with the great idea of taking a stroll in the early evening, with the pretext of getting some air and looking for an extension cord. the cord I couldn't find, I found plenty of air along with rivers of pouring rain, plus I managed to lose my purse, with my cellphone inside, together with my atm card, my credit card, and the voter's card I had so improbably managed to hold onto since the age of seventeen.

but despite this bleak pre-start of the week, and despite the fact that I had to wake up at an unholy time, nothing better to kick up the self-esteem on a monday, having to take three coins from the garbage guy money to secure more minutes in a payphone so I can fully explain my mother that I lost the wallet and phone again and ask for her help cancelling everything, since I definetely don't have the coinpower-- despite all that, I thought I was having a pretty okay day until a couple of hours ago, when my ipod took the plunge and jumped into the water in the shower.
(of course I wasn't taking a shower with the ipod on, I was attempting to unplug the showerdrain, my life is full of excitement.)

I am trying not to let this make me feel bad, it will probably be all right after it's dried out, I'll sit here and visualize my ipod back to life, but suddenly I want nothing but pizza. and vodka. and hard drugs.

happy monday. pray for ipod.

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fitter, happier, more productive,
not drinking too much,
regular exercise at the gym
(3 8 days a week),
getting on better with your associate employee contemporaries,
at ease,
eating well
(no more microwave dinners and saturated fats),
a patient better driver,
a safer car
(baby smiling in back seat),
sleeping well
(no bad dreams),
no paranoia,
careful to all animals
(never washing spiders down the plughole),
keep in contact with old friends
(enjoy a drink now and then),
will frequently check credit at (moral) bank (hole in the wall),
favors for favors,
fond but not in love,
charity standing orders,
on Sundays ring road supermarket
(no killing moths or putting boiling water on the ants),
car wash
(also on Sundays),
no longer afraid of the dark or midday shadows
nothing so ridiculously teenage and desperate,
nothing so childish - at a better pace,
slower and more calculated,
no chance of escape,
now self-employed,
concerned (but powerless),
an empowered and uninformed member of society
(pragmatism not idealism),
will not cry in public,
less chance of illness,
tires that grip in the wet
(shot of baby strapped in back seat),
a good memory,
still cries at a good film,
still kisses with saliva,
no longer empty and frantic like a cat tied to a stick,
that's driven into frozen winter shit
(the ability to laugh at weakness),
healthier and more productive
a pig evil kitty in a cage on antibiotics.

fitter happier,



to those cunts who tried putting a knife to my brother's heart, I curse you once, twice, thrice, and a thousandfold, you and your own; may your hair and teeth go loose and fall off, your eyes get sore and dry, may your feet blister and swell inside your shoes, and may someone step on them repeatedly, may your team always lose at the last minute, may your dog bite your ankles when you pass by, may your wives always be bitches to you, and never ever shut up; may your food forever and ever taste like fatman in the subway ass, and may your water always have someone else's boogies in it.

and when you die we'll meet in Hell, where I shall kick your balls for eternity.

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I think I'm starting to get a glimpse of it, of what life has in store, like my brother that day when I showed at the police station to pick him up, sitting there with an open cheekbone and a spit out or swallow struggle with a few loose teeth. I tried really hard to make it sound sweet when I hugged him and said "welcome to your twenties... everything gets very complicated, very fast." this was on the afternoon of his birthday, after a crash and a brawl and a police injunction propitiated by one of the countless assholes that populate this round blue earth.

well as someone put it last saturday at a pool party under the spinning monsoon, the main difference between being twenty and being thirty is... boredom. ssdd; same shit, different day. as I sat on a low wall, surrounded by fog, I took in the scene around me; there was talk about new mortgages; the right way to train the eight-month-old boxer such and such adopted with the girlfriend, cause you know, after umpteen years dating they've decided they can commit to at least that much; a roundtable on kundalini vs ayurveda on the right.

on my side, I mulled over my twelve month cigarette quit and realized that was boring, too. I'm so glad I've quit, I'm glad my dad saw me quit before his passing, quitting is good for you, the fucking peaches, personal growth, blah biddi blah,boring. I would have poked myself in the eye when I was twenty one, had I met myself. then gone on and read the rest of On The Road, and then, probably, go topple from the low wall to my death.
being as it were, I remained there and was bored and thought a lot, about would bes, has beens, ought to bes and should have beens...

top 5 new DVD on my gym's fancy new projection screen, or Scuse me While I Holler: "gay, NOT!!":
1. Great Divas of Pop (for a second I thought they had included an elton john video and almost applauded, but it turned out to actually be a video of Pink)
2. Madonna Confessions Tour
3. Beyoncé Live at Wembley
4. Gwen Stefani (yes, LIVE)
5. Metallica & San Francisco Symphonic Orchestra --for the hardcores

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